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Perusing the Web

Tuesday, May 14th, 2002 · No Comments

Afternoon S.H.I.T.
Stories Here on the Internet Today – AKA, What I Read & Found Interesting

Incompetent staff reason for Onion’s success
The Onion cracks me up. Apparently some readers, particularly AOL users (big surprise) don’t get that it’s all a big joke.

Anti-drug ad campaigns a flop
Kids have actually been inspired to take drugs by seeing their pop idols pretent to be drug users on TV.

Cat Goes on Rampage, Evicts Owners
This is great. Cats rule.

E-Learning Struggles To Make The Grade
The industry I call home has always been ahead of its time. No wonder I’m so drawn to it. No one understands what the hell it’s all about.

Tags: web stuff