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Blogs vs. Old Media

Wednesday, May 15th, 2002 · No Comments

Last evening I read Steven Levy’s Newsweek article, Will Blogs Kill Old Media? In it, Levy discusses some bet between blogger Dave Winer, who claims that by 2007 most people will get their news from blogs rather than from The New York Times, and Martin Nisenholtz, who runs the Times’ digital operations. Levy sides with Nisenholtz. Of course he should. I do, too. The simple oversight by Winer is that blogging is about commentary by individuals who usually refer to the established media. In other words, bloggers don’t report the news; they comment on (and link to) the stories written by those who actually report the news (in established publications). As much as I love technology, the Big Media aren’t going away (and I would never want them to). I did, after all, read Levy’s article in the print version of Newsweek that’s delivered to my home every week. I like being able to hang out in the kitchen with Jen and read, not be tied to a computer screen to get my news about the world.

Yesterday I subscribed to a popular WRX email group based in Australia. Having seen thousands of archived messages per month, I was at first surprised by the lack of activity. Around 9pm Pacific Time last night, though, a sudden flurry of postings began. And it quickly occurred to me that in Australia, the U.S. day is night. I posted a question about my chipped wheel and am relieved to have been informed about this metallic cement product. Ahhh…

The mold debate that I started on the Treasure Island message board continues to flourish. I hope to soon leave the island, as I’m tired of my health suffering because of the toxic mold.

I also long for another vacation to Italy. Already. Life is beautiful there.

Tags: rants