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Episode II

Saturday, May 18th, 2002 · No Comments

Last night Jen and I saw Episode II with Ben and Jess at AMC Van Ness. It rocked! Seeing Yoda do battle was definitely one of the coolest parts of the film. He’s like Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid series: Old, wise, and calm most of the time, but willing to kick ass when necessary. Following the movie, we swung by Tommy’s Joynt across the street for drinks. Although it’s supposedly where Metallica hangs out, they weren’t around last night…

On the car front, I still need to decide if/how I’m going to fix my chipped wheel. This metallic cement stuff is one option.

We just had a yummy waffle and fake sausage patty breakfast. Soon it’s off to Point Isabel for fun in the sun with Stella Brie and all her dog friends.

Tags: movies