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Corporate Scandals

Tuesday, June 25th, 2002 · No Comments

The latest news to hit corporate America is a mere $4 billion oversight by WorldCom’s CFO, who has been promptly fired. Whoops. I guess he forgot to carry a few zeroes. OK, so he forgot to carry about nine zeroes. What the hell was he thinking? And guess who the accounting firm is? Andersen, of course!

Jen is out at her girls’ book club tonight with my cousin Lucy, so I’ve been chillin’ at home. I watched the end of I Am Sam tonight, then got to surfing the DirecTV digital airwaves. I started thinking about how Jen had recently ordered a PPV movie and we’d not been charged for it. So I started doing some research and learned some interesting stuff. When I first got DirecTV, I found lots of sites, including this one, dedicated to the underground DSS community, which continues to intrigue me. On this round, 1 PPV down and 24 to go!

Tags: the world