Blog Master G

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New Blogger Template

Wednesday, July 31st, 2002 · No Comments

I’m diggin’ the new design for my Blog. I also forgot to mention in yesterday’s entry that with my switch to DreamHost I figured it was also time for a change to the design of this page. And now I’m wondering if this may be the template I use for the rest of my site. We’ll see…

Thinking about this design led me to think about who designed this template. So I looked at the Blogger credit for the template and headed on over to the site of Heather Mannion, a 19-year-old chick who just finished her freshman year of college. Geez…kids these days. Their Web design skills are so much better than mine ever were. Makes me feel old. It’s hard to believe that I created my first Web page way back in 1995, when I was a freshman in college. Ahh…the good ol’ days — when things were simpler and so much more carefree.

Tags: blogging