This morning at precisely 6am and 32 seconds my watch battery died for the first time. That was right around the time I was waking up for work. Well, my alarm went off at 6am and I snoozed for 15 more minutes. Now the second hand of the watch is pathetically ticking between 32 and 33, like a dying insect whose head has been severed from its body yet its legs continue to twitch.
Last night Jen and I took Shannon and Bobby out to eat at Green’s in Fort Mason, overlooking the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. A vegetarian joint, it was a bit on the expensive side, but delicious nonetheless. Opened and operated by the Zen Center, all the veggies are grown in Marin.
The dinner was a thank you to Shannon and Bobby for hosting the engagement party for me and Jen. The party eventually led to Bobby’s being served a “get out” email two days later after his insane landlady flipped out at the last minute. Despite having actively participating in the planning of the party, this deranged woman left emails and voicemails for Bobby at 11pm the night before the party to tell him that he deceived her and that he couldn’t have the party at his place after all. By that point, it was, of course, too late to reschedule a party at which 30+ people were expected. The crazy lady, Tori, wasn’t even home at any point during the party. She arrived as we were finishing loading up my car at the end of the night.
This week has been one strange episode after the next for poor Bobby, with Tori leaving voicemail after voicemail for him and sending him inane emails (like this one) about broken hula girls and how he was trying to impress Shannon by throwing a party that resulted in his being evicted (clearly).
Bobby is certainly better off not renting from this crazy lady. Of course, she’s even offered to let him stay after all this insanity.