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Airport Adventures

Monday, August 12th, 2002 · No Comments

Yesterday was a pretty funny day at the Newark Airport. During our nearly three-hour layover between Albany and Oakland Airports, we set up camp at the Brooklyn Brewery Jazz Bar, a plush blue establishment with cozy chairs, no jazz, an OK lager, and a tasty brown ale. We hung out there for quite some time.

At one point, I took a trip to the nearby magazine store and splurged for a $12.95 Chameleon Books notebook with a photo of the Statue of Liberty on the cover. I was scrawling notes for the redesign of my Web site on scraps of paper and decided I’d rather have a nice notebook for personal use. While in the bookstore, I searched and searched for the New Yorker and Harper’s for Jen, and couldn’t find them on my own. But then a nice customer handed me the New Yorker and the clerk guided me to Harper’s, which was oddly placed in the business section (I don’t think of Harper’s as a business magazine).

When we eventually made it on the plane, the flight was long and the bathrooms ran out of water. Jen and I have decided that Continental really sucks. We will try to avoid that airline in future travel plans. The in-flight movie was Life or Something Like It with Angelina Jolie. It wasn’t the greatest movie ever, but kind of cute (as any movie with Angelina inevitably is).

Back in California, it’s nice to be home. Moving madness goes into full effect tonight.

Tags: anecdotes