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9/11: One Year Later

Wednesday, September 11th, 2002 · No Comments

It’s hard to believe a full year has already gone by since that tragic day that the face of America was changed forever. As someone pointed out on NPR this morning, the mood of the country seems to be more somber than anger. 365 days ago, as Americans and citizens of the world watched in horror as the Twin Towers collapsed, there was confusion, sadness, shock, horror, anger. Jen, Mollie, and I all stayed home from work that day, mostly watching the horrific images on TV played over and over again, and waiting for more information about how many lives were lost. At one count, it was believed that as many as 30,000 lives were lost. Thankfully, the actual number was closer to 3,000.

I only sent 7 emails that day. Here’s the first one that I sent just after 8am PT on 9/11/01.

Rob Morse has an excellent column about Top 10 better things to do today.

In memory of those who were lost one year ago, and to those families, friends, and individuals afflicted by and still suffering from the attacks on America, here’s to you.

Tags: the world