Blog Master G

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Halloween Day 2002

Thursday, October 31st, 2002 · No Comments

Happy Halloween 2002!

Movable Type rules. Now that my installation and database connection problems are behind me (at least for the moment), I can actually begin to start using it. I have a Test Blog up and running and all seems to be working beautifully. Next up: Importing all Blogger posts to Movable Type. Woohoo!

Sometimes having two dogs isn’t all that much fun. This week having two dogs has been quite the pain in the ass. If it’s not one dog pissing or shitting inside, it’s the other. As smart and as good and as housebroken as she is, apparently Stella had some major poo problems in the night, since Jen and I were greeted this morning by quite the pile by the back door downstairs. Happy was in the kitchen, so he was ruled out. On Treasure Island, Stella would always wake us up in the night if she had an emergency, so we wondered why she didn’t last night. My theory is that on TI the door to our room was always closed at night, and dogs don’t like to stink up small areas in which they’re confined. These days, in our own house, the door to our room is always open at night, so Stella’s free to roam (and poo) about.

Ben’s site is up for beta testing. You won’t be able to access it until the beta is over, but I’m happy to announce that I’m officially the first poster to the site. I posted a link to an article about the new budget deficit created by the Bush administration. This is what I said about it:

“This is an issue overlooked by mainstream media. It’s ridiculous that no one seems to care that the Bush administration is throwing billions into military “defense” spending and using it on the offense to attack Iraq to secure U.S. oil interests and to put money in top officials’ pockets.”

Yesterday I sent an email to President Bush via Act for Change, urging him not to invade Iraq, and reminding him that there are more pressing problems here at home. Of course, he doesn’t even listen to a group of San Francisco protesters 40,000 strong, so he’s surely not going to care about one email. But hey, we’ve got to try.

Tags: anecdotes