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Observed Again?

Tuesday, December 17th, 2002 · 1 Comment

Wow, I’m really beginning to wonder if some government types are keeping an eye on me. Have I been targeted as a dangerous liberal extremist? Is someone on to my plot not to agree with everything the government tells me? Does the federal government not like it when people think, and are more than just members of a mindless mass of bodies? Am I being paranoid?

Or is it just coincidence that twice this week two federal employees have looked at my Web site? First it was the U.S. Department of Justice on Monday, and today it’s The Federal Judiciary: Dec 17 2002 3:43:35 pm 21 15:28

This stat is from my Vassar Blogs Site Meter. That 21 is the number of times my page was viewed, which is the really weird part. Most of my visitors only view the page once, maybe twice. The 15:28 is also unusual — someone spent that many minutes and seconds looking at my page. This could explain it: There are about 30 links on that page to other Vassar blogs, so perhaps this person just clicked on each one, returning to my page 20 times during the course of 15 minutes this afternoon.

I’ll have to keep an eye on this trend. Bored federal employees or part of the IAO‘s initiative to collect every bit of data on every American? If the latter, how about kickin’ down some Web disk space for me, Poindexter? I could use a couple hundred more megs.

Tags: web stuff

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Peter A_nderson // Dec 18, 2002 at 3:18 pm

    Welcome to the Big Time, Chief!!! In the Sixties, we took it as a badge of honor to be spied on by the FBI and other Fed types. They once dispatched a fed to follow me around San Francisco because I had Jane Fonda in my Ford Mustang!! What do you expect from J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI — after all, he used to dress up like a little girl and throw dance parties with his G-men friends!!!!