Today has been quite the stressful day for me and Jen — one we won’t soon forget. We found out that if we are forced to break our current lease in Larkspur we will be responsible for up to a month-and-a-half rent. That would suck. We are trying to incentivize would-be renters by offering to pay half the first month’s rent to take over our lease. So far, nothing. We’re keeping our fingers crossed, though.
One possibility is that my Mom would take over the lease since she’s about to sign one in Southern California and isn’t totally happy there; she’d rather be closer to family. That would be cool.
One important lesson that’s come out of the stress of today: If we were buying a house, this would be a non-issue. A year from now, we will buy. And we will have lived in the city for a year, so we’ll have a much better sense of which neighborhoods we like and those we don’t.