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Penguins Gone Wild

Thursday, January 16th, 2003 · 2 Comments

Here’s a great headline you don’t see every day:

Zoo penguins intent on futile ‘migration’ / S.F. flock swims round and round in pool

The first few paragraphs are so good I just have to include them here:

    Brainwashed by six newcomers from Ohio, 46 penguins at the San Francisco Zoo have abandoned their burrows and embarked on a great migration — except their pool is not exactly the coast of South America and there’s really nowhere for them to go.

    “We’ve lost complete control,” said Jane Tollini, their mystified keeper. “It’s a free-for-all in here. After 18 years of doing this job, these birds are making mincemeat of me.”

    They’ve all been swimming since Christmas Eve, whirling around the pool like tuxedos in a washing machine. No one knows why they started or when they’ll stop. All they know is that the zoo’s Penguin Island has turned into a very chaotic place.

    “Round and round they go,” Tollini said. “They almost make me dizzy.”

I love it. Thanks for the link, Dad!

Tags: the world

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Peter A_nderson // Jan 16, 2003 at 9:47 pm

    I heard on the news tonight that the Ohio upstart penhuins (I LOVE writing like this!) are convincing the San Francisco resident penguins that they must head soutgh for the winter, so that’s why they are swimming so urgently. I also love how the article states that the penhuins decorate their little abodes with palm fronds. This whole story touches a nerve, for some reason. It’s hysterical, actually. Tuxedoes in a washing machine, indeed!

  • 2 Peter A_nderson // Jan 16, 2003 at 9:47 pm

    I heard on the news tonight that the Ohio upstart penhuins (I LOVE writing like this!) are convincing the San Francisco resident penguins that they must head soutgh for the winter, so that’s why they are swimming so urgently. I also love how the article states that the penhuins decorate their little abodes with palm fronds. This whole story touches a nerve, for some reason. It’s hysterical, actually. Tuxedoes in a washing machine, indeed!