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Dollars from Pennies

Friday, January 17th, 2003 · No Comments

Coinstar rules. Before getting dinner at Burritoville in San Anselmo tonight, Jen and I stopped by our local Mollie Stone’s to cash out a bag (my green purse, actually) of coins I’ve had since college. I had previously separated out just about all the quarters for laundry usage. But even after that, we had a hell of a lot more cash than I realized. I had guessed we’d have about 5 or 6 bucks’ worth. Boy, was I ever off. Here’s the final tally:

    Quarters: 3
    Dimes: 327
    Nickels: 225
    Pennies: 1,582
    Total: $60.52
    *Processing Fee: $5.39
    Total Payout: $55.13

Not too shabby for a purse-full of pennies, eh? Don’t take your spare change for granted. It could buy you dinner some day.

*Coinstar charges 8.9 cents on the dollar.

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