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Stella’s First Day at Autodesk

Monday, February 10th, 2003 · 2 Comments

Due to the fact that our heater still doesn’t work, our gas oven produced a lot of smoke when we tried to use it for the first time last night and it set off the smoke detector, which wouldn’t turn off, so I had to pull it off the wall and it shocked me, I had to bring both dogs to work today. (That was an incredibly awkward and poorly structured sentence, but hey, it gets the point across.) Of course, due to Stella’s difficult personality, only Happy is in my office with me. Stella is hanging out in the car, which is parked in a nice and shady spot for her. I’m tending to her often.

I’d love to bring her into my office, but she can be pretty aggressive with other dogs and likes to bark at people, so it’s best she stays in the car. It’s good to have her (sort of) here, though.

Let’s hope our property manager Al is able to fix everything at home today.

Tags: dogs

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Peter A_nderson // Feb 10, 2003 at 1:17 pm

    Gabe – Even when you write what you think is a clunky, ungainly and awkward lead sentence, it is still more artfully crafted than other blogographers I have read recently ….Your Dad

  • 2 Dave Reed // Feb 10, 2003 at 4:54 pm

    Amen! You know what appropriate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling are. That’s three points higher than a lot of the other bloggers out there.