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Virtual March on Washington

Monday, February 24th, 2003 · No Comments

Beginning at 5:38pm EST (2:38pm here in California) on Wednesday, I will be participating in the Virtual March on Washington by making the following phone calls to my senators and to the White House:

Senator Feinstein
5:38PM Eastern Time
February 26, 2003

Senator Boxer
5:43PM Eastern Time
February 26, 2003

The White House
5:48PM Eastern Time
February 26, 2003

You can help, too! (Note: the times listed above are the times when I’m scheduled to call, so be sure to register for your own call times.) Virtual March on Washington Headquarters

Here are the talking points I’ll be using:

  • inspections are working
  • the US does not have support of the world
  • war is expensive; redirect the money to domestic problems like education & healthcare
  • people die in war
  • it’s all about the oil; why isn’t the US leading a charge toward North Korea?”

(Thanks, Dan, for passing along.)

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