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Car Pees on Dog

Thursday, March 6th, 2003 · 3 Comments

It really cracks me the hell up how people manage to find my blog. It’s fun to keep an eye on my Web logs, which tell me the Google searches people do that lead to pages on my site. Entries on my blog will pop up as the number one (or close to it) result for lots of different searches. Some I’ve noticed in the past include sociopathic personality, 2003 bridesmaid dresses, and most diverse city. This one from this morning, however, has got to take the cake:

Google Search: car pees on dog

I am proud to be the number one search result for that awesome phrase, which leads to my post When Dogs Attack (Your Car). My only question is this: Where the hell do people come up with phrases like this? Is it for pure entertainment value, or are people actually looking for pictures of cars peeing on dogs?

Tags: web stuff

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 mbi // Mar 6, 2003 at 11:58 am

    There is a nice place to post these:

  • 2 Angel // Apr 18, 2003 at 2:38 pm

    I found this link by searching for how to plant garden peas and typed pees instead. Silly me. 🙂

  • 3 Brian // Sep 24, 2003 at 10:11 am

    Well, if you’re wondering where phrases like “Car pees on dog” come from, i can enlighten you. There is a video floating around, you should be able to find it on KaZaA, that has a dog sniffing the back tire of some sort of concept car. Well, the concept car “realizes” what’s going on, lifts up its back tire, and sprays all over the dog. It’s pretty funny. I was inspired to search for this after watching a recent video where a Ford Sportka kills a pigeon by it’s fast opening hood. I guess the Sportka “thought” it was gonna poop on its nice clean body.