Patty, Peter (my Dad) & Tracy at Val & Rik’s wedding, 2/2/02
My aunt Patty — one of my Dad’s two younger siblings and one of five — died early this morning. She had been battling lung cancer since it was discovered less than a year ago. My Dad and his other siblings were with Patty over the weekend. She made it longer than anyone expected.
This news hasn’t really sunk in yet. What can one really say about death but that without it, we would have no life? My take on death is in line with the Yin & Yang — death is more than the end of life. But that certainly doesn’t make the human emotions of coping with it any easier.
We lost Nana a year ago to lung cancer and have now lost the first member of the next generation. Patty was a warm-hearted, wonderful person with a great deal of energy. Her bright smile will be missed by this world.
My thoughts and heart go out to her three children — R.J., Justin, and Jenna — whom she leaves behind.
1 response so far ↓
1 Jess Barron // Mar 25, 2003 at 11:40 am
I’m very sorry to read about your loss of your aunt.
I lost my younger brother around this time last year, (and that is why you stopped hearing from me about involvement in the SF Vassar Alumni group…) I also lost my Nana to lung cancer while I was a senior at Vassar, so I understand how rough that particular disease is.
The main thing to keep in mind is that things do get better eventually.
My condolences to you and your family.
Jess Barron