Too bad I’ve never seen The Amazing Race. I just learned that the winners of the most recent one are fellow Vassar alums Flo Pesenti and Zach Behr, both Class of 2001. Flo certainly looks familiar and Zach’s name is familiar, though I don’t think I knew either of them personally, even though our time at VC would’ve overlapped a couple years.
Here’s their “we won” site: :: Winners of The Amazing Race 3!
What’s up with Vassar alums winning the 3rd season of performance-based reality shows? Remember Ethan Zohn? Vassar alum who won Survivor 3. Vassar certainly doesn’t have the reputation for being a sports-oriented school (we don’t even have a football team), but apparently our alums are the kings and queens of reality TV.
Maybe I should focus my energies on becoming a reality TV contestant. Based on the track record of other VC alums, my chances of winning look good.
2 responses so far ↓
1 lindsay // Jan 20, 2004 at 1:54 pm
In SA we havent seen the results of the finals but I am SO SURPRISED that Flo and Zach won!! Feel that at this stage the twins were my favourites but also feel that Zach deserved to win – putting up with Flo deserved something – what a woes!! (SA expression prounced” voes
” meaning slack,iffy and not worth the trouble) That girl is something else….. Hope Zach never lays eyes on her again – I have never heard anyone complain and gripe so much. Zach – plse e-mail me sometime – I have a 25 year old daughter – B.Hons (Psych) fun loving/intelligent and would have given her all in this – in NZ at the moment with my other daughter and her husband.
She would have been the perfect partner!!)
2 lindsay // Jan 20, 2004 at 2:02 pm
Have not seen the final show -brothers were my favorites at this stage but feel Zach deserved to win after putting up with “woessy Flo!!!) (woessy as defined as slack and not worth mentioning as in having no character, back bone etc – what a pain!!) My daughter -25 BA Hons (Psych) has more gumption in her little finger than Flo has in in her entire body!! Ask Zach to contact me.