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SF Founder’s Day Picnic

Sunday, May 4th, 2003 · 1 Comment

The rain dried up, the clouds parted, and the sun shone on a picture-perfect San Francisco day that greeted the 2003 San Francisco Bay Area Vassar Club Founder’s Day picnic. More than a dozen VC alums representing classes from the mid-1980s all the way through the most recent graduating class of 2002 (soon to be trumped, of course, by the Class of 2003) — along with a handful of significant others and friends of alums — gathered at the amphitheater at the western end of San Francisco’s gorgeous Crissy Field, overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.

Chris Rouse ’88 did an excellent job organizing the day, bringing the table, the grill, the goodies, and, of course, several 5-liter kegs of beer. After all, what is a Founder’s Day without beer? For we are the Brewers.

One of the more comic moments of the day was when several alums gathered ’round keg #2 in an attempt to tap it. Getting the beer to flow was rather challenging with the flimsy plastic levers and spouts. Someone said, “How many Vassar alums does it take to tap a keg?” My response: “I think the problem is that this keg is too small. We’re used to much bigger kegs at Founder’s Day.” Of course, when I chaired the 1999 Founder’s Day Beer Committee, FDBeerCom, we had an entire beer truck to help us pour the brew.

We raise a glass to you, Matthew Vassar, and salute you for giving us all an excellent education that will remain with us always. Through Founder’s Day we come together not only to remember you, but to reminisce about the shared experience that none of us will ever forget: Vassar College.

Gabe ’99

View all SF Founder’s Day 2003 photos

Tags: vassar

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Yvonne // May 8, 2003 at 10:52 pm

    Thanks for sharing this! Looks like all had a good time once the weather cooperated.
    Sorry to have missed it but I was back on the east coast at the time. regards.