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Official Adult

Friday, May 9th, 2003 · No Comments

At 26.1 years of age, I am officially an adult, according to a new report from the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center. I have completed my (undergraduate) education (22.3 years), am on track to be married this year (25.7 years), and will be fit to support a child in .1 more years or (26.2 years). No kids are on the way within the next month or two, so I guess I’m running behind on that front. But that’s fine by me.

Studies like this are interesting because they tend to reflect Middle America and not cities like San Francisco. These studies also make me feel old (married by 25, kids by 26), whereas living in a city I feel young. Most people in San Francisco are not married and do not have kids. It’s a place where people come to have a good time and to defy the American norm. We party. We stay out late. We take public transportation. We see independent films and go to museums. We don’t hang out in shopping malls. That’s why I like it here.

[via NextDraft]

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