Blog Master G

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Life’s 1st Birthday

Wednesday, May 14th, 2003 · No Comments

One year ago today I wrote my first post in this blog, which has become an almost-daily obsession in my life, as well as a great outlet for writing, ranting, photo sharing, and heated discourse.

That day marked the day I started blogging regularly. Since 05.14.2002, I decided to merge the entries from my formerly private blog, Think, into this one. So, I’ve technically been blogging since 10.31.2000, although today is the official 1-year anniversary of the blog now known as life.

It’s funny to read in that entry about what was happening in my life a year ago this day:

  • The Bay Area’s last big earthquake hit (5.2)
  • I was freaking out after I banged up one of the wheels on the Scoob for the first time (living in the city, though, I’m a bit more used to it by now)
  • I was getting ready to donate the Saturn
  • I had just purchased Jen’s engagement ring
  • Jen had just bought us a brand spankin’ new bed

It’s also amazing to think about how much has happened in the past year:

  • Jen and I moved from Treasure Island to Larkspur
  • We then moved from Larkspur to San Francisco after getting fed up with suburban life in Marin
  • We adopted our second dog, Happy
  • We planned a huge wedding for this summer (though the work continues)
  • We lost 3 family members (Patty and Granny in the past year, and Nana just more than a year ago)
  • I won a workers’ comp case against my former employer

It’s been quite the year, to say the least. Life is good. Jen and I both hold solid jobs, have a comfortable place to call home, care for a couple loving and crazy dogs, and have great friends and a supportive family.

Here’s to the next year of blogging, marriage, home ownership, health, and happiness. Cheers, and thanks for reading.

Tags: blogging