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Beer & Books

Tuesday, May 20th, 2003 · No Comments

absinthe.jpg Beer and books: The staples of San Francisco. In case you haven’t already heard, we here in the fine city by the Bay drink and read more than any other city in the country. Well done, my fellow San Franciscans. I’m proud to call this city home.

Rob Morse puts it best:

    “Our image of ourselves as literate wastrels is confirmed. Eat your heart out, New York and L.A. You trail far behind in the traditional authorial arts of fortifying the mind and weakening the liver.”

Here are the Top 10:

    San Franciscans spent the most on alcohol and reading materials in the
    Labor Department’s ranking of selected cities for 2000-2001.
    San Francisco $744 $266
    Denver $625 $137
    Honolulu $554 $163
    Portland $514 $226
    Seattle $468 $170
    New York $450 $195
    Wash. D.C. $434 $205
    Chicago $431 $158
    Los Angeles $412 $148
    Philadelphia $373 $144
    Source: Department of Labor
    Chronicle Graphic

Is it any wonder that all the great writers fancied themselves masters of the spirits? It also begins to make sense why so many of my Irish forefathers immigrated to San Francisco and settled in the damp, foggy neighborhood (reminiscent of the motherland) that I now call home.

Here’s to you, San Francisco. Cheers!

Tags: san francisco