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Credit Fraud

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 · No Comments

Today was a seriously stressful day, as I discovered that some punk-ass opened a Sprint PCS cell phone account in my name in May 2002 and has run up more than $500 in unpaid charges. It went to collection and now appears on my TransUnion credit report. I have reported it to fraud, filed a dispute with TransUnion, and even filed a report with the Concord Police Department, since the fake address used by the dumbshit was in Concord.

The suspects are the following:

  1. Person who broke into my Saturn in March 2002 and stole backpack full of tax documents.
  2. The kids who work(ed?) at the Sprint PCS store on Geary in San Francisco where Jen and I bought our phones. Immediately following the purchase, Jen discovered that she had been charged twice for her phone.

Damn it makes me mad. Here’s the address and phone number that Sprint had on file and gave to me:

1349 Sunshine St.
Concord, CA 94520

I tried calling the number and a woman answered. I didn’t say anything since I don’t know for sure that this is the actual number of the fraudulent bastard.

Tags: anecdotes