Things really heated up at work on the e-Learning front (in a good way) on Friday, so even though I’ve only been at work two full days since then, so much has happened that it seems like it’s been a week. Yesterday I was in meetings all day long, then headed straight home to pick up Jen, then off to Juan’s Place in Berkeley for dinner with Shannon and Jeff, swinging by Dad’s place on the way home.
It was last Thursday that I wrote my last entry and I thought it was about time I fixed that dry spell. I have this need inside me to write here often or I somehow don’t feel satisfied. I’m writing this in a hurry, though, Tuesday morning since I still need to get showered and dressed before my carpool ride arrives at 8am (I drove yesterday).
Saturday was the all-day going-away BBQ for Shannon, who’s moving to Syracuse. The day was lots of fun, but tiring. Sunday was laundry day and chill day around the house. Jen and I went to an open house on 10th Ave. I got my latest Web hosting client, my friend Dan (, all set up and configured with MT. Welcome, Dan!
Also over the weekend Jen and I took her scan of the old 100 Faces of Marin cover and tweaked it a bit for the latest book project. It now appears on the site and will be used in the promotional material, too.
Other things happening in my life these days: trying to find wedding song for our first dance; researching real estate investing (hoping to go to Bay Area Wealth Builders meeting tomorrow night); looking into dance lessons for me and Jen for the wedding; talking with Larry about creating a Web site for him; trying to finalize details for trip to Vegas in a couple weeks (woohoo!); needing to contact SF Police Dept. to file report of identity theft (already did so with Concord police); and other things I’m probably just not thinking of right now.