I’ve spent today getting accustomed with my new Nokia 3650 camera phone. It rocks! I’ve been taking pictures, emailing them to friends and family, and doing cool things like emailing photos directly from the phone to TypePad. I’m recording that post here just in case my TypePad beta test blog goes away at some point.
Direct from phone
(I’m editing this post in my browser — and am resizing the photo — but I emailed this photo directly from my new Nokia 3650 camera phone right to the blog!)
I’m still figuring out the details…was psyched to read that the phone is capable of up to a 43.2 Kbps connection via High Speed Circuit Swiitched Data (HSCSD). The standard GSM data connection speed is 14.4 Kbps. I haven’t yet set up either of those access points on the phone, which I think explains why I’m not yet able to access any actual (non-mMode) Web sites. I have configured my mMode email, so I’m sending images via email left and right.
This is fun.