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Google Toolbar 2.0

Thursday, July 10th, 2003 · 1 Comment

Back in May when Mozilla Firebird was released and I started using it, I was blown away by how cool it is — in particular, the popup window blocking feature (and tabbed browsing, which I’ve grown to love). Since then, I’ve been using it pretty much as my primary browser. And IE 6 as backup — since there are a number of IE features I miss (like Yahoo Companion bookmarks and the MT It right-click feature). This week, though, I’ve installed the beta of the Google Toolbar 2.0. There are two features that will likely bring me back to using IE as my primary browser again: Popup blocker and AutoFill forms.

The Google Toolbar popup blocker works splendidly — and even displays a different mouse cursor and plays a sound when popups are blocked. And the AutoFill feature is super-cool: Fill in your name, address, phone, shipping address, and even credit card info ahead of time, and whenever you land on a page with a form containing corresponding fields, the Toolbar will highlight those fields yellow for you. One click and boom, there’s your info. Very handy.

Now if only Microsoft would hurry up and steal Mozilla’s tabbed browsing feature…

Tags: google

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 shreyank // Jul 10, 2003 at 1:37 pm

    no, no, no…..the chant goes “firebird forever, microsoft never”