This is it. The beginning of my final week at work before flying to New York to become a married man. It’s a trip. The wedding has been this destination on the horizon for so long — more than a year — that it seems unreal that’s it’s only 11 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes, and 40 seconds from now. Wow. I’m definitely very excited and ready for it to the Big Day (in fact, I had a dream the other night — again about the wedding — that it was the day of the wedding and I was blogging about it that day. Of course, the reality is such that we’ll be in a hotel and I wasn’t planning on bringing my laptop along…although now that I think about it, it would be pretty cool to upload photos the same day. I’ll have to think about that one.
Anyhow, over the weekend we finalized the script for the service, went to Jen’s office to put together the program (with which we’re both very happy), and generally just got in the mindset for the Big Day. (Hanging out at Zeitgeist Friday night and at Ron and Seana’s BBQ Sunday helped to relax us, no doubt.)
I recently purchased Quicken and have been spending the last couple weeks inputting all accounts and back data (at least back through January 2003). Not counting Jen’s separate accounts (but including mine and our shared accounts), it’s pretty scary how much we’ve spent on everything. Good thing Jen’s parents are kind enough to pay for the reception and some miscellaneous things here and there — and my parents the rehearsal dinner.
It’s going to be great to have our lives back when this is all over with. Hawaii is like the gold at the end of the rainbow for us. And once we’re back from there, I hope to dive full-speed ahead into real estate investing!
1 response so far ↓
1 jenEbean // Jul 14, 2003 at 5:12 pm
Remind Jen to enjoy her day *no matter what*… whatever happens will happen… besides, if something *does* go wrong or something, it’ll just make for a better story to tell ppl. 😉 Best of luck!