Arianna Huffington via “Let’s get real. As ineffectual as Davis may be, there can be no doubt that it is the Bush administration — with its tax cuts for the wealthy, its perverse political priorities, and its way-too-cozy relationship with Enron and the other energy companies — that have gotten California where it is.”
Of course, Schwarzenegger has been stealing all the headlines, including a giant headline in yesterday’s SF Chronicle that spanned all columns and took up all real estate above the fold. I think the Chron gave this story more weight than the day the war on Iraq broke out.
Arnold has the bigger name recognition, no doubt, but with California being as progressive as it is, I’m keeping my fingers crossed — and registering my vote — for Arianna Huffington this October (assuming, of course, that were I to vote “no” for the recall, my vote for another candidate would actually count…something that apparently is still under debate and is such a catch-22 if “no” voters don’t get to vote for a replacement in case the recall goes through).
3 responses so far ↓
1 Dan // Aug 11, 2003 at 2:09 pm
Hey Gabe,
The latest I heard is that “No” voters DO have their votes counted on the recall. Two Stanford Law professors sued over that and won.
And, now that Bustamante is in, Huffington should throw her support to him. The chance to have a Latino Dem beat Arnold is too good.
p.s. love the volcano picture
2 Jess // Aug 13, 2003 at 12:40 pm
The Stanford Law professors actually sued for the right to abstain on the recall vote and have your replacement vote still count (they won). It was never contested that your replacement vote counted whether or not you voted “no” or “yes” on the recall, as long as you voted on it. So you can vote “no”, “yes”, or abstain on the recall vote, and your replacement vote will count.
3 Nan Lillith // Sep 26, 2003 at 11:12 pm
Ariana makes sense to me! I would LOVE to vote for her but I’m afraid it will be a vote for Arnold.
Let’s tell Bustamante that we will vote for him ONLY if he promises to place Huffington in a high and influential office with him.