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Mary Carey for Governor

Tuesday, August 26th, 2003 · No Comments

Only in California could there be a porn star running for governor. If you donate $5,000 to her campaign, she’ll go on a dinner date with you. Sure, if what you want is a hot date and some sex, you could get a hooker for less than that (as James duly noted last night), but come on, this a hot porn star who could be governor. To have a date with her has got to be worth at least five Gs, right?

In any case, the Mary Carey for Governor campaign is brilliant. I love it. She wants to legalize gay marriage (good), tax breast implants (totally), make lap dances tax-deductible (hallelujah), and, most importantly, allow the good people of California to keep tabs on their hottie governor via live Web cams:

“If I’m elected Governor, I will wire the Governor’s Mansion with live web cams in every room. We will create a pay site, and all money collected will go toward reducing the deficit. Californians will get to see their government in action – literally! (Also, we will have people from around the globe helping to pay off our debt, so it doesn’t all fall on the shoulders of Californians.)”

Awesome. Hot governor “in action.” What’s not to love?

(Thanks to Andrea and Matt for the lead on this fine gubernatorial candidate.)

Tags: politics