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PowerBook G4

Sunday, September 7th, 2003 · No Comments

g412inch.gif It’s official, but a bit unreal: Jen and I just purchased our first Mac together, a refurbished PowerBook G4 (867MHz 12″ model). I was glad to find this past week that the great deal on the refurb, which I first wrote about in this posting, came back after not being available for a couple weeks. So we finally took the plunge tonight and bought the PowerBook in preparation for beginning production this month on 100 Faces of Marin.

Of course, the added bonus is that I’ll get to be back in the wonderful world of Apple again. I’m an Apple guy at heart. I grew up with Macs and would take one over a PC any day. I spent my entire 4 years of college working in the Apple Store. Quite simply, Macs rule.

My first Mac was 1987’s SE. My family upgraded to the Quadra 800 in 1993 (with A/V ports). When I left for college in 1995, I was equipped with my trusty PowerBook 520c (still around the house somewhere, but not used in years), which I used until my junior year in 1997 or so, when I purchased my most recent Mac, the Power Mac 7600. That old workhorse (also with A/V ports) rocked many an MP3-powered party during my final two years of college.

And here we are…a brand new G4 PowerBook should arrive within the week.

Part Number: F8760LL/A
Product Name: PowerBook G4 867MHz/256MB/40GB/Combo/E/12″TFT – Refurbished
Unit Price: $1,399.00
Quantity: 1
Net Price: $1,399.00
Estimated time to ship: 1-2 bus.days

Part Number: F8881LL/A
Product Name: Airport Extreme Card – Refurbished
Unit Price: $89.00
Quantity: 1
Net Price: $89.00
Estimated time to ship: 1-2 bus.days

Part Number: M9035G/A
Product Name: Apple Mouse
Unit Price: $49.00
Quantity: 1
Net Price: $49.00
Estimated time to ship: Same

Tags: technology