Hot off the press: “A federal appeals court postponed California’s Oct. 7 gubernatorial recall election, ruling the historic vote cannot proceed as scheduled because some votes would be cast using outmoded punch-card ballot machines.”
This is good news indeed. More time to rally the vote against the recall. Hopefully this will have a positive impact at the polls and result in higher voter turnout.
(Thanks, Dad, for the heads up.)
I was reading my Special Election pamphlet this morning and came across what’s got to be one of the top reasons why this recall is such a bad idea (reason number one, of course, being to prevent the wealthy right-wing conservatives from buying an election when they’re not happy with the results): Trek Thunder Kelly, who has the following statement in the voter guidebook:
Dear Voters, Please vote for me, thus breaking the Seventh Seal and incurring Armageddon. I will legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitution so they may be taxed and regulated, the funds derived would subsidize the deficit, education, and the environment. I believe in peaceful resolutions backed by a strong military; I don’t care who you marry or have sex with.
These ideas are presented with good intentions, of course, and I do agree with this candidate on some level (especially with regard to legalization of certain drugs like marijuana, and making marriage gender blind), but what more proof do we need that this recall election has become a joke? The Seventh Seal? Armageddon? Hmm. I’m all for a sense of humor, but running the world’s sixth-largest economy is no joke.
Vote no on the recall — whenever it may be.