On September 7 Jen and I purchased our new PowerBook. It arrived on the 10th. I read just last night that on September 16 Apple finally announced its new line of Titanium PowerBooks. And with that, the cost of the 12″ refurbished 867, which we bought, dropped $200. This, I’ve realized, is the cost of impatience. Or, for the same price that we paid, we could now buy the same machine upgraded with the SuperDrive (DVD-R) instead of Combo drive (CD-R).
But alas, such is the world of technology. The minute you buy something, it’s going to be outdated and you’re going to find better deals.
I’ve enjoyed being back in the world of Macs for the past week, and that’s what counts. Besides, having paid that extra $200 just means more to write-off for taxes. So I’m sure it all works out in the end. I was happy with the decision at the time and that’s what I have to feel good about.