On Saturday night my old high school friend Dave Reed and his girlfriend Pam came by for a visit. After dinner at Nan King Road, we let out both dogs to say hi. In the 4 years that Stella’s been a part of our family, this was one of only a handful of times that she did not bark her head off or freak out when she met new people (especially when one of those people was a man). In fact, her reaction was quite the opposite: She strutted up and down the hallway wagging her tail. Jen and I could hardly believe what we were witnessing: Dave had charmed Stella Brie.
She returned to the yard to watch her ducks before we could capture the moment, but we do have proof of Dave the dog whisperer charming Happy Dingo (not quite the same challenge of charming Stella Brie, of course, but proof nonetheless that Dave speaks dog).