Last night I had a strange dream that somehow connected to anxiety at work. This was unusual since in the year-and-a-half I’ve been at the company, I’d never before had a work-related dream. At other jobs, yes, but never at this one.
Despite a 1pm department meeting, I stayed home from work today since the pain in my back is acting up.
As it turns out, my dream was more of a sixth sense than I realized.
Around 9:30 this morning, I got a call from the director of my department to tell me that the department was being restructured and that my position was being eliminated. The irony of it: My position is now seen as “duplicative” because of a new position created in another department; I just helped a friend get that job (and neither of us had any idea this would be the consequence). This sucks.
The good news is that despite its being a corporation that cares more about the bottom line and needs of the business than its people or everything they do for it, the company is providing me with good “redeployment” and severance packages.
Everything happens for a reason. Lately, I’ve been feeling really antsy and discontent with my job — and, in general, with working for someone else. I’ve long desired to be in business for myself and this is the perfect example of why that’s important: The individual is always at the mercy of the corporation. I want to control my own destiny.
Jen and I have also been talking a lot lately about moving to the East Coast, where her close friends and family live. Perhaps this is just the impetus we’ve needed to make a big change in our lives. Our lease ends January 31, 2004, so the timing couldn’t be better.
Whether the next three months bring a new career for me, another position within the company, an opportunity to push my own business into full swing, or a good reason for us to move away from the Bay Area, above all it’s a chance to do some soul searching.
It’s not often that one gets the chance to be paid for three months without working, so I hope to make the most of this opportunity. It’s actually a rather liberating feeling.
How’s that for turning news of job loss upside down? Has anyone ever doubted my optimism?
Tonight’s happy hour couldn’t come at a better time.
6 responses so far ↓
1 katie // Oct 1, 2003 at 3:16 pm
wow Gabe! that is quite a positive attitude. knowing you, you’ll have people beating down your door w/ offers of new east coast and west coast opportunities in no time.
2 Silus Grok // Oct 1, 2003 at 7:52 pm
Hey Gabe,
As hard and abrupt as the change is, I have to say that this looks like a wonderful opportunity for you and your family.
A suggestion… tap into for networking. Great service — even as a beta.
Also, if you’d like, drop me a line : I have a few ideas about your going out on your own that would be better left to e-mail.
– sG
3 hunter // Oct 1, 2003 at 7:58 pm
hey there gabe –
lurker and fellow VC alumni providing his support for Gabe A_nderson Inc. Go for it dude – whatever the “it” might be, you’re at the point to take calculated risks.
best of luck
4 Jose Luis Martinez // Oct 1, 2003 at 10:59 pm
I’s say go for it, I was in a similar situation almost two years ago and although scary at the beginning I havent looked back. Today I can hardly see myself working for the man.
I dont know about the move though, you seem too much of a san franciscan to leave…
5 Jordan // Oct 2, 2003 at 7:59 am
Man, I’m jealous of you. I’ve been *TRYING* to get laid off for the past two years for a nice severance package. I expect to be unemployed of my own making in the next month. Want to find me a job as well?
6 jd // Oct 8, 2003 at 6:30 pm
Hey gabe………
Srry bout the job best of luck 🙂