Following in the footsteps of Howard Dean and Kicking Ass, the blog of the Democratic National Committee, the Bush-Cheney camp now has an official blog. Ha! It’s basically a continuous press release machine in disguise. And, as Kicking Ass points out, all posts are hidden behind the clever name “,” so there’s zero sense of personality that pretty much makes a blog a blog. Oh wait… no personality? …Bush-Cheney blog. I guess that does make sense.
There’s also no ability to leave comments, so there’s no community. And I know why: The administration doesn’t care what the American people — or any members of the United Nations, for that matter — think; it does what it wants, so why should anyone be surprised that the official campaign blog makes no effort to solicit input? Contrast this to both Dean and Kicking Ass blogs.
[ via Kicking Ass ]
2 responses so far ↓
1 SMS Sprüche // Feb 23, 2004 at 5:23 pm
Good Article – but it’s hard to read.. Question: is it possible to translate this for our German Users, like me :), it would be much easier. Thanks…for your help. You can send the translation to shocker99 @ if you will do so.
2 TheRadicalModerate // Aug 2, 2004 at 1:45 am
I have recently begun a blog for independents and undecideds to help us sift through rhetoric. Please check out: