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Comment Spam

Friday, October 10th, 2003 · 2 Comments

It used to just trickle in on occasion, but lately, the comment spam I’ve been getting on my blog is coming in more and more frequently. There must be some movement among spammers who are targetting bloggers. And it’s pissing me off. Not that it takes much time, but whenever I get comment spam, I have to go into MT, delete the comment, then rebuild all files to wipe it out of every archive type for whatever post it was left on.

There’s the same kind of spam you get in your email — viagra, porno, buy this, buy that — and sometimes it’s even disguised in some stupid, non-sensical way, like the one that was just left on this entry:

    The guy is a former marketing fast executive from Laycos, where electric scooter he was one of the prime movers cheap in creating the corn chips over home theater 30 years ago by combining regional giftologies corn brands into one national ionic breeze brand. relocated to Pierce christmas County 18 years ago from New birthday

And no, I obviously have not included the links that were embedded in the post to help this asshole promote his gift business. But I’m happy to publish the email address here (if it’s even real) to return the favor and open up this address to spambots: Karma’s a bitch, eh, giftshop?

Tags: blogging

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gabe // Oct 11, 2003 at 9:53 am

    Little did I know when I wrote this yesterday that the worst was yet to come. I woke up this morning to *21* pieces of comment spam in different posts from the same bastard with no life. Spammers, please feel free to spam this address:

  • 2 ben // Oct 13, 2003 at 9:35 am

    I’m sorry to say this, but the only way you’ll be able to get rid of this is to secure your comment sections. I suppose we could write an extension to Movable Type that would block this stuff.