Among my other site maintenance projects today, I also installed the much-needed MT-Blacklist, which, if it works according to plan, should kick ass. Apparently comment spamming has become so prevalent that some kind soul has finally created an excellent tool to stop it. MT-Blacklist comes with a database of 400 blacklisted spammers and is designed to leverage the power of the Web through a blacklist.txt file that should reside in the top level of bloggers’ sites. Every new comment notification email I receive now includes a link to “De-spam using MT-Blacklist,” if I so choose. During my installation, I also opted to be notified of attempts to leave comment spam.
Awesome tool.
Rock on, Jay Allen, and mad props to you.
[ via Six Apart ]
4 responses so far ↓
1 Jordan // Oct 16, 2003 at 4:06 pm
Okay, comment spamming is cool, but how about webstat spamming? What is this? This is a brilliant technique by spammers that floods your page with requests which claim the referrer was their porn site. So when you generate stats, your top referrers are pages like, Of course, when google parses that page, it see the link to them ups their page ranks. Sneaky!
I haven’t found an official webstat spamming blacklist… but I’m starting to block these jerks.
Spammers are… well evil, inherintly… but damn smart too.
2 JayAllen - The Daily Journey // Oct 29, 2003 at 6:51 am
MT-Blacklist Version 1.5 released
Today I am pleased (proud, relieved, thankful, etc) to announce the release of MT-Blacklist v1.5. There are some major changes…
3 JayAllen - The Daily Journey // Oct 29, 2003 at 6:59 am
MT-Blacklist Version 1.5 released
Today I am pleased (proud, relieved, thankful, etc) to announce the release of MT-Blacklist v1.5. There are some major changes…
4 Tech-Weblog by Christoph C. Cemper // Dec 25, 2003 at 5:18 pm
MT-Blacklist 1.62 and updater
Jay Allen’s wonderful MT-Blacklist that helps to avoid penis pill spam and thousands of other idiotic comments on MT-blogs is hot and installed… there’s also a documentation on updating automatically with some addons… But Jay talks about version 2 …