I’m writing this from my Mac. I have absolutely loved having a Mac again this past month or so. And iTunes is such an awesome application. The more I use it, the more it amazes me.
Apple is currently announcing iTunes for Windows. From the MacRumors.com site, Steve Jobs just said this, “Do something, I’ve never done before… give a demo on a PC.” Gotta love it.
Reading through the unfolding Apple music event is really making me want to buy an iPod. Perhaps that will be the next big purchase. We’ll see. Given that I currently don’t have a job, it’s probably not the best time to be spending money.
Regardless, it’s going to be really cool to use iTunes on Windows. Perhaps Windows users will now see the light of Macintosh, if they haven’t yet.
1 response so far ↓
1 Neo A_nderson // Nov 9, 2003 at 2:23 pm
See the light of macintosh? I was excited to see the new iTunes for Windows. That changed when I bought my first song and realized I could only play the song either with the iTunes software or by using an iPod. How limiting is that?! Talk about being totally proprietary. I use a Nike MP3 player made by Philips, and it supports MP3 and WMA formats. At least Microsoft is kind enough to license its format to other companies.
Don’t get me wrong. I really like the design of mac hardware and software. It’s real pretty. Yet I am not going to fork over 25-45% more money over non-mac hardware and software for “pretty.” Maybe 10-15 years ago there was software that I could only use on macs. Today that is not true. We have all the graphic design, video editing, and audio production software that macs have, well with the exception of macs own proprietary software.
So maybe you need to come out of the mac shadows and into the light of the real world.