Jen and I are relocating to the East Coast. This is something we had been talking about doing prior to my being laid off. After learning on October 1 that I was losing my job, we began to seriously consider the idea. The decision was not easy. We love San Francisco. Leaving this city will be very hard. But we believe that it is the right thing to do at this point in our lives.
Last Sunday (October 12) we admitted to ourselves that we had made the decision to leave, but just hadn’t come to grips with it yet. After we came to that realization, it felt better. At that point, we were deciding between Burlington, VT and Saratoga Springs, NY as potential destinations. Just this past Saturday we made the decision to move to Saratoga Springs. The job market is much better there and it is closer to friends and family, so we’ll have a stronger support network that will help with the big transition.
We spent most of Saturday discussing details of the move and how to make it happen. The major elements are finding someone to take over our lease here, a new apartment in Saratoga, and, of course, jobs. Jen, demonstrating her impressive planning skills, has already worked out the route we’ll take (dog-friendly hotels and all), how long it will take us, and how much the trip will cost.
We’re very excited about the move, but leaving this magical city and all our friends will be anything but easy.
5 responses so far ↓
1 Dave Reed // Oct 20, 2003 at 5:48 pm
You two certainly made the wise decision in deciding to which place to move. Hopefully it’ll be a bit healthier for you two as well. I don’t know what air quality is like in NY, but hopefully there’ll be a benefit in that, too.
2 David Raynes // Oct 20, 2003 at 6:22 pm
Be sure to come visit me and my Jenn when you guys get settled in.
3 Camilo // Oct 20, 2003 at 8:46 pm
Good luck on your move, and hope you find somebody that takes over your apt. I am planning the other way, from NC to SF, since living here in smalltown is rather stiffling.
But NY is always an exciting idea.
4 ben // Oct 21, 2003 at 4:18 pm
I refuse to believe it. You’ll be back… mark my words 😉
Anyway, we’ll miss you guys. Now I’ll have no reason to go out to Yancey’s, how do you spell that?
5 dan // Oct 22, 2003 at 11:05 am
Hey folks,
My brother and his wife live in Saratoga and it is really a wonderful place – it’ll be good to have someone else to visit up there as well. Unfortunately, the skiing is not as good as in Vermont. But I am sure it is better than in San Francisco.
p.s. new pictures of my niece online today!