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Matt Gonzalez

Wednesday, November 5th, 2003 · No Comments

blogmat2.gif Did you remember to vote yesterday? I sure hope so. I haven’t seen the numbers, but I would guess that due to the lack of an action hero running for any public office, the number of people who turned out to vote yesterday wasn’t as high as the number who voted last month.

The greatest news here in San Francisco is that there’s going to be a run-off mayoral election December 9 between Green party candidate and president of the Board of Supervisors Matt Gonzalez and the big-money, screw-the-homeless, Willie-supported Democrat, Gavin Newsom. Contrary to what the Chronicle is reporting today, I totally disagree that “Gavin Newsom goes into it with a huge head start.”

At first glance, the numbers suggest that Newsom is the clear favorite with 73,635 votes, representing 41.4%. What may not be as obvious, though, is that despite the fact that Gonzalez has 35,753 votes or 20.1%, he will also get the votes that were split between him, Angela Alioto, Tom Ammiano, and Susan Leal, who together represent an additional 59,928 votes (34.8%), more than enough to blow Newsom away in the run-off vote. I’d be surprised if a significant portion of those votes ended up going to Newsom.

Yesterday was a great day for the city of San Francisco, and December 9 may be even better (besides the fact that it’s my wife’s and John Milton’s birthday) — and historic. Will one of the country’s major cities put a Green mayor in office? If any place would, it’s San Francisco.

Here’s to making history.

Tags: politics