I’ve never been called a “semi-famous blogger” until now, but hey, I’ll take the compliment. It also seems to suggest that my blog was single-handedly responsible for turning around the poll: “Of course the AFA didn’t realize the power of weblogs and social software, so when Gabe (semi-famous blogger) posted the poll on his website, it spread across the GLBT community like wildfire, igniting the opinions of over 500,000 gay marriage supporters to flood the site and toss in their $ .02.” I can’t take all the credit, of course, but it’s a good feeling to know that my blog played a small part in turning things around.
Thanks, Mike, for the props.
3 responses so far ↓
1 Alan W // Jan 27, 2004 at 3:23 pm
Mazel tov! Maybe we could call you Almost Famous?
2 Mike // Jan 27, 2004 at 4:15 pm
Oh, you’re famous alright, you were Wired-ed!
Thanks for the shout-back 🙂
3 beerzie boy, famous for nothing // Jan 28, 2004 at 3:05 pm
What did you do to deserve such a demi-honor?