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Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004 · 4 Comments

I voted for Dennis Kucinich today. Here’s why:

  • He represents my values and the way I feel on issues from war (no) to gay rights (yes) to U.S. involvement in NAFTA and WTO (no = more American jobs) to health care (universal) to education (for everyone).
  • It’s important to send a message to the Democratic Party that there are members of its party who care about these issues and do not necessarily fall toward the center, as do Kerry and Edwards.
  • I admire Kucinich for sticking in the race even though there’s no way he’ll win the nomination. He believes so strongly in the issues that he’s willing to spend the time and money to stay in the race.

Of course I’m going to vote for whichever Democrat (Kerry) is chosen to go against Bush, and I know that Kerry has a far better chance of defeating him than does Kucinich.

The nomination (and New York) is basically in the bag for Kerry (and surely will be after tonight), but I’m proud to be a Kucinich supporter — if only for a short time.

On Saturday afternoon, Jen and I were pleased to see a group of other Kucinich supporters in downtown Saratoga Springs — holding signs and handing out literature. We joined them for a bit, and were yelled at twice by passersby.

This made me realize that it’s much easier to be on the left in a place like San Francisco. The far greater challenge is coming to a place where not everyone is liberal and attempting to get out the message to those who are willing to listen.

Tags: politics

4 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Dave Reed // Mar 3, 2004 at 12:22 pm

    I’m happy to hear that you stuck to your guns, rather than bow to popular choice. Although I voted for someone not in things as well (Dean), I still felt good for voting my conscience, rather than vote for who I think will win. That might change come the November election, though, if it means a chance to oust Bush.

    [Response to that political discussion e-mail will come soon, Gabe. ]

  • 2 gabe // Mar 3, 2004 at 12:28 pm

    And Dean won Vermont yesterday! How cool is that?? 🙂

  • 3 Daniel Rosan // Mar 3, 2004 at 3:07 pm

    As long as no one gets any stupid “I’ll vote for Nader” ideas, more power to you.

    If I was Howard Dean and my home state had supported me like that, I’d be touched beyond words. I would have cried – really cried.

  • 4 gabe // Mar 3, 2004 at 3:52 pm

    No way will I vote for Nader come November, don’t worry.