WAR ON TERROR REQUIRES LITTLE SACRIFICE FOR MOST AMERICANS: “As violence in Iraq ebbs and flows, American support for the occupation does as well. But the constant is this: The soldiers risking their lives rarely come from affluent families. Median income of a white recruit’s family is $35,000 a year; of a black recruit’s family, $32,000.
“It is a peculiar war on terror that requires so little sacrifice from most Americans. While the president declares this a paramount struggle against ‘the enemies of civilization,’ he knows most of us will cheer from the sidelines. He doesn’t suggest we conserve fuel, reducing our dependence on foreign oil. He doesn’t ask us to come up with the funds to hike military pay. He doesn’t even ask us to pay for the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq; his huge tax cuts have placed that enormous burden on the backs of future generations.”
(Thanks to Jen for the pointer.)