Demands unmet, Swedish militants decapitate fiberglass cow: “A shadowy group of militant Stockholmers carried out their threat to ‘execute’ a fiberglass life-size cow after their demand that ‘Cow Parade,’ an outdoor art exhibit, be dismantled was not met, organizers said.
“‘We have received the cow cut into pieces in a bag. It’s really sad. There’s no way of repairing it,’ Cow Parade spokeswoman Helene Cederberg told AFP.'”
(Thanks, David, for the link.)
1 response so far ↓
1 Dave Reed // Aug 26, 2004 at 11:49 pm
Why do people feel they have to destroy something they disagree with in order to make a point? Why do people like this think so blindly (or, really, _not_ think)?
I hope they find whoever did it and string them up. This story fits right into the “if you don’t like the exhibit, then quit going to it.”