Fall is in the air. The temperature is really starting to drop, and there’s a noticeable chill in the air. Sure, it’s only about 50 right now — nothing compared to the sub-zero temperatures we’ll hit come January — but when you’ve been soaking in the 80-plus sunny days, it’s a shock to the system.
Seasons are pretty awesome; they really help to mark the passing of time and make you feel alive. But the East Coast is weird. According to my in-laws, we’re going to have to call an oil (or gas, in our case) company about a “heating contract” to make sure our heating system is up to par; the company will also be on call 24-7 during the winter months in case it should decide to stop working. I guess that’s better than freezing.
Sure, I’ve lived here during the winters before, but this will be my first winter as a homeowner, so I’ll get to do other fun things like plow. Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I’m actually really excited about that. We got a sweet snowblower as part of buying our house.
Until then, it’s time to start bundling up.
On another note, big congrats to Karen and Bill on their new baby boy, Andrew! I’m really happy for you guys. Congrats!
3 responses so far ↓
1 Jordan // Sep 14, 2004 at 12:01 pm
I wish we had seasons back in San Francisco. It’s a real bummer to be stuck in a place that is pleasant all year round.
2 Gabe A_nderson // Sep 16, 2004 at 8:47 am
I love San Francisco, don’t get me wrong. Pleasant? Yes. Trees? No. Fun in the snow? No. Beautiful changing colors in the fall? No.
We all just have to embrace where we live. 🙂
3 Dave Reed // Sep 16, 2004 at 11:36 pm
Damn Sacramento and its seasons. 🙂
To think that we’ll probably drop _into_ the 80s in 2-3 weeks. It’ll eventually be comfortable around here again.