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Last Night

Thursday, September 23rd, 2004 · 1 Comment

Last night after walking the dogs, Jen and I took another bike ride to the local brewery. We chatted for a while with a father of two who encouraged us to “get wasted, then go home and make babies.” The most poignant thing he said on the topic was that having kids is your contribution to the future. There are always going to be screwed up people in the world, so when we leave it behind, we should replace ourselves with at least two more good people. So that was cool.

After a pint, we refilled the growler, then pedaled home.

We watched Sunday’s episode of Family Bonds on the DVR, and half of Matchstick Men before hitting the sack.

Tags: saratoga springs

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // Sep 24, 2004 at 3:22 pm

    The man is absolutely right. Like any other species, our first priority is to preserve our own species. That’s why environmental research and rocket science are important. (How do we survice when the sun burns out millions of years from now?) Bush vs. Kerry, that’s for average Americans. Real people have better things to do.