Blog Master G

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Comment Registration

Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 · 1 Comment

A couple months ago I integrated TypeKey comment registration into my site. At the time, it was optional. Now it is required.

You see, no comment spam gets through and actually shows up on my site, but I’m tired of email after email notifying me of all the morons who try to use my blog as a place to promote the sale of propecia, viagra, unsecured loans, and the like.

I love the legitimate comments and the dialogue here, but I’m afraid I must now require TypeKey registration before posting. It’s really not that big a deal, since creating an account takes no time at all. So please, create an account and keep on commenting!

In other news, oh, darn, I’m so disappointed:

US Attorney General John Ashcroft has resigned from the Bush cabinet, the White House has announced.

Who will take away more of our liberties and enforce the Patriot Act now?

Tags: blogging

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Mere Sketches // Dec 30, 2004 at 3:27 pm

    Comment Spam

    I have been dealing with comment spam (the same viagra ads and large-chested, over-eager women whom you get via email, except posted as comments on a blog) for awhile now. The new version of Movable Type helped a great deal,…