Blog Master G

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Oh Christmas Tree

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004 · No Comments

For the first year since Jen and I have been together, we took the plunge last night and got a Christmas tree. It looks so cool and Christmas-y in our living room. And you can even see it through our front door from the right angle.

The debate about whether to go real or fake carried on into Target into the final hour of the night. We both grew up with real trees and have emotional attachments to the picking out/chopping down of real trees. But they’re a hell of a lot more hassle. I even went so far as to think ahead about our future-children and whether they would miss out on the real tree experience. But once Jen rightly pointed out that we’re not locked into the fake tree year after year, I was sold.

Tree #14 came home with us. She looks glorious.

Stay tuned for pictures of Happy in his Christmas antlers by the tree…

Tags: anecdotes