Blog Master G

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Thursday, January 20th, 2005 · No Comments

Today the biggest party ever will be thrown: Bush’s $40 million inaugural, the most ever spent on a Presidential Inauguration. Lucky for us, the taxpayers, it’s not us footing the bill (unless, of course, you happen to live in DC, in which case your tax dollars are going toward footing the $20 million security bill).

The bill for the celebration is mainly put forth by private donors and large corporations like AFLAC, AT&T, and Marriott donating as much as $250,000 apiece.

How ironic that all this money is being tossed around to celebrate America when people continue to die in Iraq and the tsunami death toll continues to reach staggering levels.

But alas, this is America after all, so screw it.

Let’s party.

Tags: politics