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Northeast Storm

Sunday, January 23rd, 2005 · No Comments

Following our 3-hour trip home from Hoboken today, Jen and I were greeted by a foot of fresh snow at home. This is the most snow we’ve had to date as homeowners. And today I learned what it’s like to really be a homeowner in the Northeast — winter style.

For the first time, I could relate to why everyone around here seems to dread the snow. Don’t get me wrong — I still love the stuff and am already looking forward to the next blizzard — but man, is it hard work to remove this much snow.

The snowblowing is the easy part, especially with our industrial-strength 8.5-horsepower beast of a machine. It’s all the other cleanup that takes a toll.

I spent more than an hour tonight snowblowing, shoveling, scraping, digging, and sweeping snow to and fro. The hardest work? Climbing onto the flat, only slightly angled part of our roof over the kitchen with a push-broom and clearing away 200+ square feet of snow piled a foot high.

I think I’ve been officially broken in to the Northeast lifestyle to which one cannot possibly relate until one has lived here and cared for one’s own property.

Tags: saratoga springs